The year is ending, the reflections continuing, and the resolutions compiling. I wonder why we don't pick the middle of April or the second week of September to do this, but this when we seem to build a big list of will stop, start doing, do less, do more, etc.
There are ample data to show we don't really intend to keep most - if any - of our new year's resolutions. We mean well, but we're completely full of crap. If we wanted to cut down on beer, we can do that on May 17th or decide October 19th is a good time to start going to the gym.
Here's a thought...
Take a few minutes and dream; let yourself go. What do you really want to do in 2016 you have always wanted to try but never had the balls do to it? It doesn't have to cost a bunch of money or take a lot of time, but something completely for you.
Forget judgement or anyone's opinion. One thing that you honestly want to do and will commit to doing it. It can have absolutely nothing to do with your work or family or friends or anyone else. Or we could all make a bunch of empty promises we won't keep in a champagne haze at midnight like we do every year.
That seems to work never.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
December 29, 2015
Resolutions Begone
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
new years,
December 26, 2015
I hope this year has brought you challenges you overcame. It's my wish that new people arrived in your life to help and love you. Thank you for taking a moment to visit. I am continually blown away by how people many visit from all over the world.
It has always been my goal to simply share ideas here and fascinating relationships have happened that wouldn't have grown in a hundred lifetimes otherwise.
Moving Forward
We live busy lives leaving virtually no time to think of what we want, how we want to live, or create a more enjoyable journey. This year I worked more on me than my work. I was clearing the rubble. The dust has cleared and it's time to get back to work. Excuses begone, the past has passed.
My career goals continue to be helping people enjoy their work and for teams and companies to do more business through strong leadership and culture. In common terms, the biggest issue with most companies is it sucks at work. The boss is an ass or that department isn't cooperating or a myriad other solvable issues that will improve the bottom line and help employees like their jobs again. That's what I enjoy helping.
Life Meets Life
As I look toward 2016, I am thrilled to be able to speak at a TEDx event, work with a local Chamber of Commerce on a cost of leadership workshop, continue working on my first book, reach out and create new friendships and client relationships, and cherish that you came by to visit.
I'm an email away and always happy to meet new people. So let's chat. Here's to a fantastic, adventurous, challenge overcoming, personal growth 2016 for you and me.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
It has always been my goal to simply share ideas here and fascinating relationships have happened that wouldn't have grown in a hundred lifetimes otherwise.
Moving Forward
We live busy lives leaving virtually no time to think of what we want, how we want to live, or create a more enjoyable journey. This year I worked more on me than my work. I was clearing the rubble. The dust has cleared and it's time to get back to work. Excuses begone, the past has passed.
My career goals continue to be helping people enjoy their work and for teams and companies to do more business through strong leadership and culture. In common terms, the biggest issue with most companies is it sucks at work. The boss is an ass or that department isn't cooperating or a myriad other solvable issues that will improve the bottom line and help employees like their jobs again. That's what I enjoy helping.
Life Meets Life
As I look toward 2016, I am thrilled to be able to speak at a TEDx event, work with a local Chamber of Commerce on a cost of leadership workshop, continue working on my first book, reach out and create new friendships and client relationships, and cherish that you came by to visit.
I'm an email away and always happy to meet new people. So let's chat. Here's to a fantastic, adventurous, challenge overcoming, personal growth 2016 for you and me.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
December 25, 2015
Happy Christmas
Feliz Navidad. Selamat Hari Natal. Joyeux Noël. Gleðileg jól. Nollaig Shona.
Wesołych Świąt. Fröhliche Weihnachten. Merry Christmas. Vrolijk Kerstfeest.
Hyvää Joulua. Buon Natale. Feliz Natal. Boldog Karácsonyt. Namaste.
Credits: Walt Disney, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, Marilyn Manson, Sting, Brian Sezter, Dropkick Murphys
Wesołych Świąt. Fröhliche Weihnachten. Merry Christmas. Vrolijk Kerstfeest.
Hyvää Joulua. Buon Natale. Feliz Natal. Boldog Karácsonyt. Namaste.
Credits: Walt Disney, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, Marilyn Manson, Sting, Brian Sezter, Dropkick Murphys
December 22, 2015
Dear HR Pros and Job Searchers
I was on a prospect call this week with a colleague who has been running her own human resources firm for 25 years. We commiserated about the fact far too often HR professionals are caught in the middle of an organization. Employees think they're in the know while senior management doesn't always consult them for strategic ideas.
As someone who is self-employed, I look for work almost every day. Whether it's corporate opportunities, consulting contracts, or new relationships, it's part of the gig. It's not always easy. It can be a grind and it takes a lot of time and effort. But how different is it for anyone in the world of full-time employment working at a company where they do a job for a paycheck every two weeks? We are all earning our compensation daily. And it seems job security isn't as secure in many places any more.
Letters and Keywords
The HR role can be a tricky one. You have an opening. The job description is created. The websites and channels are populated. And the flood of applicants come in. I've been on both sides of this cycle and it's not fun. One trend that is almost universal is twofold; the long list of experience required and a minimum educational level. It seems more and more openings require a BA or MBA and the ability to work in a face-paced environment handing tight deadlines without sweating whilst smiling brightly. It appears the world is in search of a lot of jugglers.
I've written about this in the past, an MBA should be commended. You worked hard, you earned the degree, well done! I don't have an MBA but I have consulted clients who require one to work full-time at their company. I'm not suggesting you lower any bar but keep in mind if you're a hiring agent that most of us aren't great at writing resumes and matching your keywords. Software helps sift through the hundreds, sometimes thousands of applications. I get it.
But is it time for a new idea?
I have had HR executives tell me my experience would help them but they can't hire my services because I don't have an MBA. What a bunch of crap. Their hands are tied. Three decades of corporate and consulting experience in numerous industries yet because I didn't get my masters, I'm off the list. Maybe you've experienced this in consulting or your job search.
Perhaps if you're in HR, you've seen a candidate that would be perfect - if their resume even gets to you - yet they have to be eliminated. It's a shame. Perhaps you're looking for work, have plenty of experience, hired a resume writing expert, and are still having trouble knocking down the keyword software interface. My two cents, we are all missing out on some remarkable opportunities.
Let's find a way to do this better.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
As someone who is self-employed, I look for work almost every day. Whether it's corporate opportunities, consulting contracts, or new relationships, it's part of the gig. It's not always easy. It can be a grind and it takes a lot of time and effort. But how different is it for anyone in the world of full-time employment working at a company where they do a job for a paycheck every two weeks? We are all earning our compensation daily. And it seems job security isn't as secure in many places any more.
Letters and Keywords
The HR role can be a tricky one. You have an opening. The job description is created. The websites and channels are populated. And the flood of applicants come in. I've been on both sides of this cycle and it's not fun. One trend that is almost universal is twofold; the long list of experience required and a minimum educational level. It seems more and more openings require a BA or MBA and the ability to work in a face-paced environment handing tight deadlines without sweating whilst smiling brightly. It appears the world is in search of a lot of jugglers.
I've written about this in the past, an MBA should be commended. You worked hard, you earned the degree, well done! I don't have an MBA but I have consulted clients who require one to work full-time at their company. I'm not suggesting you lower any bar but keep in mind if you're a hiring agent that most of us aren't great at writing resumes and matching your keywords. Software helps sift through the hundreds, sometimes thousands of applications. I get it.
But is it time for a new idea?
I have had HR executives tell me my experience would help them but they can't hire my services because I don't have an MBA. What a bunch of crap. Their hands are tied. Three decades of corporate and consulting experience in numerous industries yet because I didn't get my masters, I'm off the list. Maybe you've experienced this in consulting or your job search.
Perhaps if you're in HR, you've seen a candidate that would be perfect - if their resume even gets to you - yet they have to be eliminated. It's a shame. Perhaps you're looking for work, have plenty of experience, hired a resume writing expert, and are still having trouble knocking down the keyword software interface. My two cents, we are all missing out on some remarkable opportunities.
Let's find a way to do this better.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
written by
Kneale Mann
human resources,
job search,
Kneale Mann,
December 19, 2015
2015: Spirit and Time
Since 2001, Google has published our collective online behavior entitled Zeitgeist which means the spirit of our time. We end 2015 with a lot of pain in the world but through some tough times, let's remember the beauty we all bring.
Here's the 2015 installment.
2014 to 2001
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
Here's the 2015 installment.
2014 to 2001
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
December 16, 2015
The Guest House
A friend sent me this a few days ago. It was written by poet and theologian Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī six hundred years ago and the message is as valid today.
We all have struggles and stress; issues and challenges, and it's tough to see clearly at times but that is where we grow. It's been a challenging year for many I know, me included, on various fronts. The words of Rumi are worth reviewing.
This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably,
he may be clearing you out for some new delight
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
We all have struggles and stress; issues and challenges, and it's tough to see clearly at times but that is where we grow. It's been a challenging year for many I know, me included, on various fronts. The words of Rumi are worth reviewing.
This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably,
he may be clearing you out for some new delight
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business advisor and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
December 8, 2015
Alan Watts – The Mind
We live busy lives; or do we make them busy? We have much to think about; or do we avoid not thinking about anything? The brilliant Alan Watts shared much wisdom during his time here. He passed away 42 years ago yet his insight still rings true; perhaps even more today. In this lecture, he discussed the complexity of our minds.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business coach and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business coach and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
written by
Kneale Mann
Alan Watts,
Kneale Mann,
December 4, 2015
Scott Weiland – Remembering a Beautiful Soul

Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart
The first 20 years of my career were spent in radio; programming, music, marketing, promotions, building teams, overseeing events, building new stations, and I had the unique privilege of meeting and interviewing over a thousand alternative rock artists and bands. Most were fantastic, some were terrible, many were fun, and a couple of them were haunting.
One of them was Scott Weiland.
The news of his death has been met with mixed reactions. Grief, of course; but much of the feelings being shared are sprinkled with comments about the lack of surprise. He battled drug addition his entire adult life, so many aren't surprised he died young. We often call them demons, as if they aren't to be given the same care and respect we give a physical injury or chronic illness and that's wrong!
I first heard Scott’s band Stone Temple Pilots in 1993. It was thick and melodic; the lyrics haunting and later telling of a tortured soul searching for peace. It was a time when grunge had slid into a rebirth of bombastic arena rock drenched in glam and escape. It was a release from the angst of Nirvana and Alice in Chains while borrowing some of their tones and feeling.
Big Empty
Scott was the showman, the clown, the sad man, a riveting force on stage with his lizard dance. He was an artistic man who couldn’t quench his never ending thirst for harmony in the pit of his soul and much of it was right out there for the world to watch. I saw him perform five times. He was mesmerizing.
I met Scott in 1999 when I was at The Edge in Toronto. The band came into our street-level studio for an interview and to perform acoustically. The original plan was three songs. Between the fourth and fifth, Scott came over to me and said; “Sorry for hoggin' your studio, man.” I said; “You guys are welcome to play all night.”
The studio was about 600 square feet. We were crammed in there; it was as if the biggest band on the planet was performing in our living room.
Interstate Love Song
Meeting him afterward, he was exactly what you’d expect; arrogant and dismissive, he could hardly make eye contact yet screaming for attention. He was the star of the show shrouded in a cloak of debilitating self-doubt. As we were gathering for dinner, he turned and looked right at me and said; “Do you like the new album?” I said; “Yes I do”.
He paused like the kid waiting for mom to approve his latest finger painting. Not to be over dramatic, but I felt like I saw a glimmer of Scott rather than the lead singer of a band. A second later, the rock star reappeared and he said; “Cool, thanks dude” and he got into the van. At dinner, he was the life of the party. I suspect sitting quietly wasn't his strong suit.
A while later, STP band mates Eric Kretz and Robert & Dean DeLeo were in town with their side project Talk Show. Scott was serving time in prison. The pain his brothers felt for him was palpable. After dinner, we talked for hours. It was a human moment, not a radio programmer hanging with rock stars’ moment.
During that period, it was funny that I seem to run into Dean and Robert in the oddest places; at a video shoot in LA, a festival in Atlanta, and a show in NYC. They are lovely people certainly missing their family member.
During and after STP, Scott had Velvet Revolver, Camp Freddy, The Magnificent Bastards, The Wondergirls, and Art of Anarchy. He was found just before his band The Wildabouts were to hit the stage at a show in Bloomington, Minnesota; still on the road, still chasing and running, while the adoring fans cheered on.
We know Scott Weilland because he was famous but his struggle was far too common.
Like millions, I loved his music; still do. We didn’t know how to have the right conversation of the struggle he and far too many others are facing. This is not a story of yet another drug induced rock star found on a tour bus. This is a lesson that what we see in front of us is often not what is there at all.
Scott Richard Weiland – Rest in peace.
Oct 27, 1967 – Dec 3, 2015
written by
Kneale Mann
rock star,
Scott Weiland,
Stone Temple Pilots,
December 3, 2015
Speaking at TEDx
I spend a lot of time talking and writing about leadership and culture, teamwork and collaboration, and I spend very little time doing either about me. A friend has often said I need to put more skin in the game and I’ve begun doing that more lately. It’s an interesting remark since I say it to others all the time.
The last few weeks have been a lot of setting up for the New Year, some client work, some prospecting for new clients, working on my new book, and confirming some speaking engagements.
This one blows me away!
If you visit this site often, you know I post TEDtalks often; I’ve been a fan for probably 15 years. The events are first class, the website is crammed with fascinating talks and information. There is a daily discovery.
It is an absolute honor that I’ve been selected to be a speaker at TEDxGuelphU associated with the University of Guelph in Ontario Canada. The event is January 23. The theme of the day is “Theory to Reality”. I have a bit of a biographical journey to share that I was reminded of lately which is about taking chances even when we can’t see the whole road.
I’ll have more details when I get them.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business coach and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
The last few weeks have been a lot of setting up for the New Year, some client work, some prospecting for new clients, working on my new book, and confirming some speaking engagements.
This one blows me away!
If you visit this site often, you know I post TEDtalks often; I’ve been a fan for probably 15 years. The events are first class, the website is crammed with fascinating talks and information. There is a daily discovery.
It is an absolute honor that I’ve been selected to be a speaker at TEDxGuelphU associated with the University of Guelph in Ontario Canada. The event is January 23. The theme of the day is “Theory to Reality”. I have a bit of a biographical journey to share that I was reminded of lately which is about taking chances even when we can’t see the whole road.
I’ll have more details when I get them.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business coach and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
November 30, 2015
It Takes Ten Seconds
It takes ten seconds to let them into your lane.
It takes ten seconds to say I love you.
It takes ten seconds to lose a friend.
It takes ten seconds to open your heart to a new friend.
It takes ten seconds to have that last sip of coffee.
It takes ten seconds to ask the question.
It takes ten seconds to send that text that could brighten their day.
It takes ten seconds to make it right.
It takes ten seconds to let them finish.
It takes ten seconds to make the call.
It takes ten seconds to speak your truth.
It takes ten seconds to breathe before your presentation.
It takes ten seconds to forgive them.
It takes ten seconds to wait ten seconds before making the decision.
It takes ten seconds to mean it.
It takes ten seconds to stop talking long enough to let them talk.
It takes ten seconds to figure it out.
It takes ten seconds to care.
It takes ten seconds to remove judgement.
It takes ten seconds to understand.
It takes ten seconds to grab their hand.
It takes ten seconds to apologize.
It takes ten seconds to see it.
It takes ten seconds to help a friend.
It takes ten seconds to change your career path.
It takes ten seconds to say yes.
It takes ten seconds to show compassion.
It takes ten seconds to enjoy.
It takes ten seconds to not be so hard on yourself.
It takes ten seconds to change someone’s life.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
It takes ten seconds to say I love you.
It takes ten seconds to lose a friend.
It takes ten seconds to open your heart to a new friend.
It takes ten seconds to have that last sip of coffee.
It takes ten seconds to ask the question.
It takes ten seconds to send that text that could brighten their day.
It takes ten seconds to make it right.
It takes ten seconds to let them finish.
It takes ten seconds to make the call.
It takes ten seconds to speak your truth.
It takes ten seconds to breathe before your presentation.
It takes ten seconds to forgive them.
It takes ten seconds to wait ten seconds before making the decision.
It takes ten seconds to mean it.
It takes ten seconds to stop talking long enough to let them talk.
It takes ten seconds to figure it out.
It takes ten seconds to care.
It takes ten seconds to remove judgement.
It takes ten seconds to understand.
It takes ten seconds to grab their hand.
It takes ten seconds to apologize.
It takes ten seconds to see it.
It takes ten seconds to help a friend.
It takes ten seconds to change your career path.
It takes ten seconds to say yes.
It takes ten seconds to show compassion.
It takes ten seconds to enjoy.
It takes ten seconds to not be so hard on yourself.
It takes ten seconds to change someone’s life.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
November 26, 2015
We have an average of 60,000 thoughts every day. Do we need milk? Should I call her? Did the presentation go well? Perhaps the parkway will be a better route? Thoughts after thoughts after thoughts that often overlap and drown us with indecision.
We have as many choices in a day as well. Yet we add more thoughts to our already busy brain hoping we can make the right decision each and every time. We don't listen to our intuition. We know what we want but we either don't think it'll work out or we continue to find reasons our logic may be flawed. Or worse, we try and predict the reaction of others.
Watch out for the Lizard
We call it a gut call. It comes from the reptilian complex in our brain; some call it the lizard brain. It's that burning feeling you get when you know you're right but then doubt creeps in. We may believe we're using logic but we're often not.
We get lost in the worry about judgement from others, concern of being ridiculed, or our own general hesitation. The late Alan Watts remarked on this in his lecture "Choices". Watch, listen, then choose.
Because you've already chosen.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business coach and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
We have as many choices in a day as well. Yet we add more thoughts to our already busy brain hoping we can make the right decision each and every time. We don't listen to our intuition. We know what we want but we either don't think it'll work out or we continue to find reasons our logic may be flawed. Or worse, we try and predict the reaction of others.
Watch out for the Lizard
We call it a gut call. It comes from the reptilian complex in our brain; some call it the lizard brain. It's that burning feeling you get when you know you're right but then doubt creeps in. We may believe we're using logic but we're often not.
We get lost in the worry about judgement from others, concern of being ridiculed, or our own general hesitation. The late Alan Watts remarked on this in his lecture "Choices". Watch, listen, then choose.
Because you've already chosen.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business coach and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.
written by
Kneale Mann
Alan Watts,
Kneale Mann,
reptilian complex
November 23, 2015
Speaking Our Truth
If you’ve done any reading on topics of self-improvement, Tarot, or the Buddha, you know about the importance of speaking your truth. Sure, sounds good, I’ll get right on that. But what does it mean?
I’m going through a program right now that has enlightened and shocked me on this whole topic. It’s exciting and scary, remarkable and uncomfortable. What the hell does it mean to speak your truth?
This is at our core, deep down past the conscious mind where that unseen bullseye resides. One of my colleagues said that healing is not unpainful and she was absolutely right. It’s tough to reprogram our behavior to align with what we feel is right and what we deeply want in our lives.
Speaking our truth can be messy. There will be causalities; most of which are truths you’ve told about yourself your entire life. I’m a helpful person, I love others unconditionally, I enjoy being creative. Speaking your truth is deeper than that. It began before we were born. We have spent our life defining our truths aligned with what our parent taught us, what our teachers told us, and what our family showed us.
That’s it!
It hit me on a phone call over the weekend, mid-sentence, I found myself falling into my self-imposed traps of guilt and excuses. I had plans, I couldn’t change them for the request that was asked of me on the call and I said no. It was like a knife in my throat. How could I say no?! Well, I found the strength to do so.
But I let that guilt ride with me for a few more miles. I felt bad I didn’t drop my plans to help them. No! This isn’t about dishonouring others for your benefit; it’s about understanding who you are and being okay with healthy boundaries and a healthy relationship with yourself.
The toughest part about speaking our truth is letting go of the truths that we feel have defined us. When we do that, something profound happens.
Our truth speaks to us.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
I’m going through a program right now that has enlightened and shocked me on this whole topic. It’s exciting and scary, remarkable and uncomfortable. What the hell does it mean to speak your truth?
This is at our core, deep down past the conscious mind where that unseen bullseye resides. One of my colleagues said that healing is not unpainful and she was absolutely right. It’s tough to reprogram our behavior to align with what we feel is right and what we deeply want in our lives.
Speaking our truth can be messy. There will be causalities; most of which are truths you’ve told about yourself your entire life. I’m a helpful person, I love others unconditionally, I enjoy being creative. Speaking your truth is deeper than that. It began before we were born. We have spent our life defining our truths aligned with what our parent taught us, what our teachers told us, and what our family showed us.
That’s it!
It hit me on a phone call over the weekend, mid-sentence, I found myself falling into my self-imposed traps of guilt and excuses. I had plans, I couldn’t change them for the request that was asked of me on the call and I said no. It was like a knife in my throat. How could I say no?! Well, I found the strength to do so.
But I let that guilt ride with me for a few more miles. I felt bad I didn’t drop my plans to help them. No! This isn’t about dishonouring others for your benefit; it’s about understanding who you are and being okay with healthy boundaries and a healthy relationship with yourself.
The toughest part about speaking our truth is letting go of the truths that we feel have defined us. When we do that, something profound happens.
Our truth speaks to us.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
November 20, 2015
Listening to Our Shame
The medical industry will tell us that stress is a killer. We worry and fret over money, our jobs, marriages, future, the list is long. The vibration of fear is around us constantly. It’s never enough; it needs to be more.
As I look closer at my own life path, I am seeing shame and judgement come up a lot and as I dig deeper, it seems to come up almost as much as stress. What is that? Well, it’s two things; fear of judgement from others and fear of judgement from ourselves. Humans are the only creatures who look back at our pasts and toward our futures, often to the detriment of our present.
I’ve had a blessed life, a fascinating career, and my share of difficult situations. Yet it’s those challenges I’ve been focused on which hold me back. That meeting went too long, I talk too fast, I should have, I didn’t, I wish I hadn’t, I didn’t make enough eye contact, I talked too much, etc.
My dad said it on a call this week; “How do your clients even know what you’re talking about, you talk too fast”. Thanks for the judgement, dad. I’ll carry that around for the next week. Actually, saying it then publishing it here is part of my journey of shedding the judgement of others, even my father.
We damage each other with our judgement; we crush ourselves with the same.
In 2011, Brené Brown shared her findings about topics we don't often like to talk about with her TEDTalk on the Power of Vulnerability. Here’s her 2012 talk about the unspoken epidemic of shame.
Be brave and watch this.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
As I look closer at my own life path, I am seeing shame and judgement come up a lot and as I dig deeper, it seems to come up almost as much as stress. What is that? Well, it’s two things; fear of judgement from others and fear of judgement from ourselves. Humans are the only creatures who look back at our pasts and toward our futures, often to the detriment of our present.
I’ve had a blessed life, a fascinating career, and my share of difficult situations. Yet it’s those challenges I’ve been focused on which hold me back. That meeting went too long, I talk too fast, I should have, I didn’t, I wish I hadn’t, I didn’t make enough eye contact, I talked too much, etc.
My dad said it on a call this week; “How do your clients even know what you’re talking about, you talk too fast”. Thanks for the judgement, dad. I’ll carry that around for the next week. Actually, saying it then publishing it here is part of my journey of shedding the judgement of others, even my father.
We damage each other with our judgement; we crush ourselves with the same.
In 2011, Brené Brown shared her findings about topics we don't often like to talk about with her TEDTalk on the Power of Vulnerability. Here’s her 2012 talk about the unspoken epidemic of shame.
Be brave and watch this.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
written by
Kneale Mann
Brené Brown,
Kneale Mann,
November 18, 2015
My Life Path
I don’t share much about me and my life here. Sure, there are stories of clients and work and situations I try and relate but still not a lot of me here.
This website was born in April 2008 and it’s one of the only things in my life I have committed to consistently since then. I have done good work, I have felt lost, I have moved twice, I got closer to my friends, I walked away from a long shitty relationship, and I have had a lot of time to think about my life.
Good for you, son!
My parents were always supportive of my creative pursuits. They didn’t always understand how their son would make a living being on the radio or creating social media workshops or speaking in front of strangers or writing a blog or coaching executives. And they certainly wouldn’t enjoy finding out that their son has been a stuck in a lot of ways for a lot of years. Keep up a good front, don’t let them see you sweat, smile and wave.
I had told myself for years I was following my passion. Then an emotional truck broadsided me and put my on me ass for years. I'm reading more now, I'm seeking knowledge and inspiration, and most importantly, I'm moving again. I read this post from my Mark Manson and he's bang on.
Sit down!
This past Sunday, I sat with a remarkable woman named Lindsay Knight. As soon as I sat down, she looked at me and said; “Wow. You have a lot going on in there.” We sat for what felt like half an hour but was almost three. She did my life path and outlined all the places where I had acquiesced to other people.
The repeated patterns in my life were so clear and obvious to her. They are clear to me now too. I had always said I was curious about others. I felt the need to help and talk about them. She said that was a defence to not allow myself to show up. I had lived a life avoiding any conversation about me for fear I’d appear egotistical. She called bullshit. I was scared. I didn’t want to make a fuss. I did everything to smooth things over. I didn’t want to offend or stand up for myself. She smacked me around and it was wonderful.
Wake up!
I’m writing a book, I’m working with clients, I’m meeting prospective clients, I’m finding my way after years of being lost, and all the while thinking I was fooling everyone around me that I had my shit together. Lindsay woke me up to see me.
I don’t know if this is for you. For me, it’s life changing. I slept through the night last night for the first time in years. I woke refreshed and ready to write. I have begun to allow myself to be creative again and do what I want in my life. It has reminded me to stand up for me and do what I want with my truth no matter what anyone else thinks.
I had forgotten that or maybe never knew it.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
This website was born in April 2008 and it’s one of the only things in my life I have committed to consistently since then. I have done good work, I have felt lost, I have moved twice, I got closer to my friends, I walked away from a long shitty relationship, and I have had a lot of time to think about my life.
Good for you, son!
My parents were always supportive of my creative pursuits. They didn’t always understand how their son would make a living being on the radio or creating social media workshops or speaking in front of strangers or writing a blog or coaching executives. And they certainly wouldn’t enjoy finding out that their son has been a stuck in a lot of ways for a lot of years. Keep up a good front, don’t let them see you sweat, smile and wave.
I had told myself for years I was following my passion. Then an emotional truck broadsided me and put my on me ass for years. I'm reading more now, I'm seeking knowledge and inspiration, and most importantly, I'm moving again. I read this post from my Mark Manson and he's bang on.
Sit down!
This past Sunday, I sat with a remarkable woman named Lindsay Knight. As soon as I sat down, she looked at me and said; “Wow. You have a lot going on in there.” We sat for what felt like half an hour but was almost three. She did my life path and outlined all the places where I had acquiesced to other people.
The repeated patterns in my life were so clear and obvious to her. They are clear to me now too. I had always said I was curious about others. I felt the need to help and talk about them. She said that was a defence to not allow myself to show up. I had lived a life avoiding any conversation about me for fear I’d appear egotistical. She called bullshit. I was scared. I didn’t want to make a fuss. I did everything to smooth things over. I didn’t want to offend or stand up for myself. She smacked me around and it was wonderful.
Wake up!
I’m writing a book, I’m working with clients, I’m meeting prospective clients, I’m finding my way after years of being lost, and all the while thinking I was fooling everyone around me that I had my shit together. Lindsay woke me up to see me.
I don’t know if this is for you. For me, it’s life changing. I slept through the night last night for the first time in years. I woke refreshed and ready to write. I have begun to allow myself to be creative again and do what I want in my life. It has reminded me to stand up for me and do what I want with my truth no matter what anyone else thinks.
I had forgotten that or maybe never knew it.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
life path,
Lindsay Knight,
stand up,
November 13, 2015
One Day
One day I’ll act on that idea. One day we'll have enough money. One day I’ll stand up for myself. One day we’ll figure this out. One day the product will be ready.
One day I’ll learn my lesson. One day I’ll fix it. One day it’ll get better. One day we'll change. One day we'll act. One day may be too late. One day we’ll turn it around. One day it’s going to work out. One day I'll go for it.
One day we’ll take that trip. One day I’ll clean out that closet. One day you’ll check out that new gig. One day we’ll try that restaurant. One day I'll move. One day will be a great day. One day someday.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
One day I’ll learn my lesson. One day I’ll fix it. One day it’ll get better. One day we'll change. One day we'll act. One day may be too late. One day we’ll turn it around. One day it’s going to work out. One day I'll go for it.
One day we’ll take that trip. One day I’ll clean out that closet. One day you’ll check out that new gig. One day we’ll try that restaurant. One day I'll move. One day will be a great day. One day someday.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
one day,
November 10, 2015
Nine Questions
You don’t have to look far to find someone who has a model or gadget or program that promises to help you with your business. I’ve been in corporate and consulting roles for three decades. I’ve used assessment tools for talent development, programs for team development, coaching and facilitation tools, and a myriad others but I’m asked all the time to define my ideal client.
It begins with a willing participant. That wasn't always clear. I used to think I could share my wisdom or make money or some other misguided reason. Without that willingness, your offer won't mean a thing to them. I found that out the hard way.
I like working with companies that are growing and want to grow more. This isn’t about cutting costs and making cheaper products to increase the profit margin. This is about becoming an even better company – inside and out. Rarely do I meet a leader or owner who isn’t interested in improving. I often meet leaders who think it's simply about making more sales calls.
Do You Know Your Why?
Simon Sinek in his book “Start with Why” states repeatedly that great leaders find people who believe what they believe. He writes about Apple and Southwest Airlines; companies that are beacons for knowing why they exist while Walmart – the largest retailer on earth – has lost its why and it’s now all about the bottom line.
I have nine questions that will unlock everything you and your company does, stands for, and wants to do. Let’s book a call (519-803-7130) and we can uncover your nine answers. The call will cost you nothing. You’ll be amazed what you discover.
Email me and we'll set something up!
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
It begins with a willing participant. That wasn't always clear. I used to think I could share my wisdom or make money or some other misguided reason. Without that willingness, your offer won't mean a thing to them. I found that out the hard way.
I like working with companies that are growing and want to grow more. This isn’t about cutting costs and making cheaper products to increase the profit margin. This is about becoming an even better company – inside and out. Rarely do I meet a leader or owner who isn’t interested in improving. I often meet leaders who think it's simply about making more sales calls.
Do You Know Your Why?
Simon Sinek in his book “Start with Why” states repeatedly that great leaders find people who believe what they believe. He writes about Apple and Southwest Airlines; companies that are beacons for knowing why they exist while Walmart – the largest retailer on earth – has lost its why and it’s now all about the bottom line.
I have nine questions that will unlock everything you and your company does, stands for, and wants to do. Let’s book a call (519-803-7130) and we can uncover your nine answers. The call will cost you nothing. You’ll be amazed what you discover.
Email me and we'll set something up!
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
nine questions,
November 7, 2015
Reality vs. Theory
I pressed send this week on a proposal to speak at a TEDx event in January. You know when those who don't win the award claim it was an honor just to be nominated? I know the feeling now. It's not confirmed; it's not a yes, but I feel honored to have been asked to apply. As I said in an earlier post, it's not humblebraggery at all; it's really cool!
The theme of the day is Theory to Reality which led me to Emily Levine and her hilarious and charming 2002 TEDtalk where she shows us the trickster's view of realities and theories.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
The theme of the day is Theory to Reality which led me to Emily Levine and her hilarious and charming 2002 TEDtalk where she shows us the trickster's view of realities and theories.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
written by
Kneale Mann
Emily Levine,
Kneale Mann,
leadership. reality,
November 3, 2015
Big Moments
When you're thinking of an idea, a project, a career move, a relationship change, or any other important event in your life, it's often easier to let your mind fly a bit. These are big moments in our lives; to take that new gig on the west coast, to leave that person who has shared your life, to buy that house, the list goes on. We face decisions every day but the big ones can be debilitating.
I was in a relationship that was going nowhere but I was too scared to move forward. It wasn't my fault, it wasn't hers, we both got stuck and once that messy process was done, we were both better off.
"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." William James
I once took a job on a handshake. It was a big move, a big opportunity, and it changed the trajectory of my life. It shifted my thinking, it kicked me in the ass, it made me stand up straight and take a chance.
You're facing something in your life right now. You know it can't stay where it is but you're scared or unsure which way to go. Find quiet, make a list of pros and cons, and take the necessary time. Go for a drive, crank some music, get time alone, and do what it takes to face it head on so you can identify exactly what you're looking at.
If you need help, send me an email and we can discuss.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
I was in a relationship that was going nowhere but I was too scared to move forward. It wasn't my fault, it wasn't hers, we both got stuck and once that messy process was done, we were both better off.
"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." William James
I once took a job on a handshake. It was a big move, a big opportunity, and it changed the trajectory of my life. It shifted my thinking, it kicked me in the ass, it made me stand up straight and take a chance.
You're facing something in your life right now. You know it can't stay where it is but you're scared or unsure which way to go. Find quiet, make a list of pros and cons, and take the necessary time. Go for a drive, crank some music, get time alone, and do what it takes to face it head on so you can identify exactly what you're looking at.
If you need help, send me an email and we can discuss.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
big moments,
Kneale Mann,
November 1, 2015
If we ask our parents what we were like as kids, they may tell us about a person we may no longer even know. My mom tells me about the hours I’d spend as a kid reading by myself, or playing with my toys while creating worlds and scenarios.
I've always had the ability to live in my own head, spend a lot of time on my own, and entertain myself with books or websites or music. That's not always a good thing because those ideas can often get stuck in my head without action. Ideas are critical but without movement, they are theory.
The work I'm doing on my first book has given me a chance to move ideas from my head to my keyboard. The process has been more enlightening than I ever thought. It remains a work in progress.
Provide the Solution
We are encouraged to use our imagination to solve business problems, develop collaborative cultures, provide clear leadership, create new products and ideas, and navigate the complexities of life.
In its purest sense, what happens to our innate ability to widen the scope beyond reality to include all possibilities and be that kid again who can create ideas void of budgets or constraints, politics or ridicule?
If we could do that, we may literally change the world.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
I've always had the ability to live in my own head, spend a lot of time on my own, and entertain myself with books or websites or music. That's not always a good thing because those ideas can often get stuck in my head without action. Ideas are critical but without movement, they are theory.
The work I'm doing on my first book has given me a chance to move ideas from my head to my keyboard. The process has been more enlightening than I ever thought. It remains a work in progress.
Provide the Solution
We are encouraged to use our imagination to solve business problems, develop collaborative cultures, provide clear leadership, create new products and ideas, and navigate the complexities of life.
In its purest sense, what happens to our innate ability to widen the scope beyond reality to include all possibilities and be that kid again who can create ideas void of budgets or constraints, politics or ridicule?
If we could do that, we may literally change the world.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
October 30, 2015
Making it a Reality
Between working on client stuff, meeting new potential clients, writing a book which has been quite an enlightening and soul searching process, and trying to figure out what this thing called life means, I've been approached to submit a proposal to speak at a TEDx event early next year. No humblebragging here, straight up, this is a huge honor.
The audience will be university students, professors, and guests. The theme of the day is theory to reality. At first I thought about the fact every company started with an idea. There are none that started without one, which is the theory.
Then the work begins...
But I think it happens more often than we realize. It might have happened to you today. An idea came to mind, you acted on it, boom it became a reality. So we may not want to minimize these moments as they can lead to the big things.
The other element I keep thinking about is kids and the chances they have as they embark on their journey of discovery and potentially a handful of different career paths. This lead me to Kiran Bir Sethi who is the founder Riverside School in India which teaches kids life’s most valuable lesson: I can. That's something we know-it-all scared adults seem to forget.
Watch this!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
The audience will be university students, professors, and guests. The theme of the day is theory to reality. At first I thought about the fact every company started with an idea. There are none that started without one, which is the theory.
Then the work begins...
But I think it happens more often than we realize. It might have happened to you today. An idea came to mind, you acted on it, boom it became a reality. So we may not want to minimize these moments as they can lead to the big things.
The other element I keep thinking about is kids and the chances they have as they embark on their journey of discovery and potentially a handful of different career paths. This lead me to Kiran Bir Sethi who is the founder Riverside School in India which teaches kids life’s most valuable lesson: I can. That's something we know-it-all scared adults seem to forget.
Watch this!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kiran Bir Sethi,
Kneale Mann,
October 27, 2015
People + Priority
If you have ever experienced a true open environment it can be exciting - yet to some - chaotic. And because most don't want chaos, they choose to keep things nice and neat and departmentalized. They may like being a boss everyone obeys. But we know the flaws in that model are vast.
The perception of losing focus or control can block potential for significant growth in your organization and the careers of each person inside it. If ideas aren't shared, department walls get higher and silos deepen.
Org Chart vs Reality
The position of Chairperson, CEO or President may appear to be at the top of the company chart. But it's actually in the middle. This is the person who sets the tone; makes the big decisions that could affect the workload of everyone else. It can be a very busy place.
She must answer to the owners, shareholders, investors, customers, employees and the public. If a company relies solely on her decisions, millions or even billions can hang in the balance.
Good idea vs Let them try
A former boss taught me about reversed delegation. This is where someone suggests a half-baked idea and you try to run with it. This neither encourages their further thought nor helps you with what you want to accomplish. Push it back on their plate and see what happens. The challenge for leaders who want a successful business is to make their people their absolute top priority.
Let's keep trying!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
The perception of losing focus or control can block potential for significant growth in your organization and the careers of each person inside it. If ideas aren't shared, department walls get higher and silos deepen.
Org Chart vs Reality
The position of Chairperson, CEO or President may appear to be at the top of the company chart. But it's actually in the middle. This is the person who sets the tone; makes the big decisions that could affect the workload of everyone else. It can be a very busy place.
She must answer to the owners, shareholders, investors, customers, employees and the public. If a company relies solely on her decisions, millions or even billions can hang in the balance.
Good idea vs Let them try
A former boss taught me about reversed delegation. This is where someone suggests a half-baked idea and you try to run with it. This neither encourages their further thought nor helps you with what you want to accomplish. Push it back on their plate and see what happens. The challenge for leaders who want a successful business is to make their people their absolute top priority.
Let's keep trying!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
October 24, 2015
Giving Away Experience
To anyone’s measurement, Pablo Picasso was one of the most talented artists of all time. His complicated life mixed with inspired work continues to make him a fascinating subject to study and learn about.
Pablo and a friend were having lunch one day and one of the other patrons recognized the great master. After some hesitatation, she approached him with a napkin. She asked Picasso if he would take a moment and do a quick drawing for her.
He said it would cost one million dollars.
Shocked, she questioned why a simple drawing would be that much. Picasso replied that it took him thirty years to perfect his talent and it is not free.
We shouldn't put a price on every moment of the day, and none of us is Picasso, but we should be careful not to always give away our experience simply because it would take just a minute to share it.
Got a napkin?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
Pablo and a friend were having lunch one day and one of the other patrons recognized the great master. After some hesitatation, she approached him with a napkin. She asked Picasso if he would take a moment and do a quick drawing for her.
He said it would cost one million dollars.
Shocked, she questioned why a simple drawing would be that much. Picasso replied that it took him thirty years to perfect his talent and it is not free.
We shouldn't put a price on every moment of the day, and none of us is Picasso, but we should be careful not to always give away our experience simply because it would take just a minute to share it.
Got a napkin?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
Pablo Picasso,
October 22, 2015
Cut Your List in Half
I was chatting with a good friend this week and we were discussing what each of us was working on, wanting to do, and numerous ideas and dreams. She recounted a story about helping her daughter with a list that was getting too big. She took the list and wrote down two items.
She then told her daughter to do one of the items and come back to her. Her daughter did it and she told her daughter she had cut her list in half. She then added one more item and they repeated the process several times.
It’s brilliant and simple!
We mean well but are we really going to accomplish several dozen tasks? We humans seem to be pretty good a making lists – mentally and literally. I want to finish my book, connect with new clients, complete that customer project, travel more, etc etc etc. But I’ve begun making lists of two’s. Then cutting my list in half and doing one. Then adding another and so on. Try it with your team. Try it with your family.
Busy is a victim word we all use. Look at ways of cutting your list of two in half then repeat. Over time you may notice some items on the long list shouldn't be there at all as you really have no intention of doing them. So try it today and cut your list in half.
Email me and we can discuss how I can help.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
She then told her daughter to do one of the items and come back to her. Her daughter did it and she told her daughter she had cut her list in half. She then added one more item and they repeated the process several times.
It’s brilliant and simple!
We mean well but are we really going to accomplish several dozen tasks? We humans seem to be pretty good a making lists – mentally and literally. I want to finish my book, connect with new clients, complete that customer project, travel more, etc etc etc. But I’ve begun making lists of two’s. Then cutting my list in half and doing one. Then adding another and so on. Try it with your team. Try it with your family.
Busy is a victim word we all use. Look at ways of cutting your list of two in half then repeat. Over time you may notice some items on the long list shouldn't be there at all as you really have no intention of doing them. So try it today and cut your list in half.
Email me and we can discuss how I can help.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
cut in half,
Kneale Mann,
October 17, 2015
13 Ways to Improve as a Leader
• Stop hiding behind email
• Don’t avoid difficult conversations and have them with respect and compassion
• Keep meetings to 30 minutes and on topic
• Allow all voices to be heard
• Be clear on expectations
• Don’t play favorites
• Encourage new ideas and don't keep people in boxes
• Be of service to your team/department/company; not the other way around
• Allow creativity to flourish
• Don’t evade conflict
• Remember every person on the team is just as important as any other person
• Hold yourself and others accountable
• Show up when things get difficult
I can help you with all of these. Send me an email - - and we can book a 30-minute complimentary call.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
• Don’t avoid difficult conversations and have them with respect and compassion
• Keep meetings to 30 minutes and on topic
• Allow all voices to be heard
• Be clear on expectations
• Don’t play favorites
• Encourage new ideas and don't keep people in boxes
• Be of service to your team/department/company; not the other way around
• Allow creativity to flourish
• Don’t evade conflict
• Remember every person on the team is just as important as any other person
• Hold yourself and others accountable
• Show up when things get difficult
I can help you with all of these. Send me an email - - and we can book a 30-minute complimentary call.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
October 14, 2015
We Aren't Born with Fear
Running a business is hard work and eyes on the revenue line must be constant. Our perspective is often the single reason we have conflict instead of collaboration.
Raghava KK is an artist who has gone through a lot in his life but has retained his childlike spirit. He explains in his TEDTalk that we need to shake up our ideas.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
Raghava KK is an artist who has gone through a lot in his life but has retained his childlike spirit. He explains in his TEDTalk that we need to shake up our ideas.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
Raghava KK,
wonderment. culture
October 10, 2015
Is Happy Work Possible?
There aren’t usually many surprises whenever I see an employee survey. Most (all) of us want to be compensated fairly, enjoy a collaborative work environment, and have the ability to advance within the organization.
Are those the things that make us happy at work?
Dan Ariely is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics who explains some of the elements that make us happy or unhappy at work.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
Are those the things that make us happy at work?
Dan Ariely is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics who explains some of the elements that make us happy or unhappy at work.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Dan Ariely,
Kneale Mann,
October 6, 2015
Stuck Why Stuck
As I work on my new book on leadership, culture, and how we get stuck, I was sifting through notes and files and old posts. This one struck a chord. I wrote it five years ago and it still rings true.
= = =
A friend sent me a copy of Rick Butts’ e-book 7 Choices. In it, he talks about the time we work on us versus the time we work on what we do or getting customers or what we can offer. In 1943, Abraham Maslow outlined our need to belong in his paper The Hierarchy of Needs.
No matter your age or situation, you want your life to have purpose and passion. That is the core of why we may get stuck – we aren’t following either. We haven’t deciphered who we are and what drives our passion. All too often we seek external confirmation.
So why do we get stuck?
Is it because no one will help us realize our passion and purpose? Or is it that we haven’t discovered it inside us in order to tell people what we want?
Years ago, a friend gave me a copy of The Secret. I watched the first half of the film with my closed mind and arms folded and the second half taking notes. It wasn't the message, it was what we do with it. Intention, attraction, and most importantly action doesn't happen on its own. But finding what we want is more than half the battle.
We need action and focus. We are human. We get stuck. We fall into the same traps of listening to the opinions of naysayers. We fail to listen to that pang in deep in our gut. If you haven't experience this, count yourself very fortunate. That is extremely rare.
Help Is On The Way
Does this mean we shouldn’t discover people we trust to help us navigate this journey? Ask the most successful people on the planet if they get stuck and you will get a resounding – YES!
None of us is immune. But if someone asks you to help them get unstuck, forget their resume or the past and listen to what they need. If you do, magic will happen for both of you. Getting unstuck requires help and asking for it is our first step. If you're feeling stuck, let's chat.
Shoot me an email and let's chat!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
= = =
A friend sent me a copy of Rick Butts’ e-book 7 Choices. In it, he talks about the time we work on us versus the time we work on what we do or getting customers or what we can offer. In 1943, Abraham Maslow outlined our need to belong in his paper The Hierarchy of Needs.
No matter your age or situation, you want your life to have purpose and passion. That is the core of why we may get stuck – we aren’t following either. We haven’t deciphered who we are and what drives our passion. All too often we seek external confirmation.
So why do we get stuck?
Is it because no one will help us realize our passion and purpose? Or is it that we haven’t discovered it inside us in order to tell people what we want?
Years ago, a friend gave me a copy of The Secret. I watched the first half of the film with my closed mind and arms folded and the second half taking notes. It wasn't the message, it was what we do with it. Intention, attraction, and most importantly action doesn't happen on its own. But finding what we want is more than half the battle.
We need action and focus. We are human. We get stuck. We fall into the same traps of listening to the opinions of naysayers. We fail to listen to that pang in deep in our gut. If you haven't experience this, count yourself very fortunate. That is extremely rare.
Help Is On The Way
Does this mean we shouldn’t discover people we trust to help us navigate this journey? Ask the most successful people on the planet if they get stuck and you will get a resounding – YES!
None of us is immune. But if someone asks you to help them get unstuck, forget their resume or the past and listen to what they need. If you do, magic will happen for both of you. Getting unstuck requires help and asking for it is our first step. If you're feeling stuck, let's chat.
Shoot me an email and let's chat!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
October 2, 2015
Dylan Mahalingam Changed the World
I can't do him justice. He will blow you away. Here's the blurb they wrote about him on the website Mother Nature Network.
At the ripe age of 9, Dylan Mahalingam co-founded Lil' MDGs, a nonprofit international development and youth empowerment organization and an initiative of Jayme's Fund. Lil' MDGs mission is to leverage the power of the digital media to engage children in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
His organization has mobilized more than 3 million children around the globe to work on a variety of issues, with more than 24,000 regular volunteers hailing from 41 countries. Dylan is a youth speaker for the United Nations as well as a chief strategist and project ambassador for Under the Acacia. The recipient of numerous international and national honors.
Dylan is now 15 years old and a sophomore at Pinkerton Academy in New Hampshire. Here is his 2010 TEDTalk.
Watch, get inspired, then let's get to work.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
At the ripe age of 9, Dylan Mahalingam co-founded Lil' MDGs, a nonprofit international development and youth empowerment organization and an initiative of Jayme's Fund. Lil' MDGs mission is to leverage the power of the digital media to engage children in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
His organization has mobilized more than 3 million children around the globe to work on a variety of issues, with more than 24,000 regular volunteers hailing from 41 countries. Dylan is a youth speaker for the United Nations as well as a chief strategist and project ambassador for Under the Acacia. The recipient of numerous international and national honors.
Dylan is now 15 years old and a sophomore at Pinkerton Academy in New Hampshire. Here is his 2010 TEDTalk.
Watch, get inspired, then let's get to work.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
September 29, 2015
Say What?
We all know we are flawed and make mistakes. We know we don’t have it all figured out. And we know there's work to do. But part of finding clarity is discovering the joy in work rather than the seemingly unattainable finish line. Purpose can often be more important than making quota or hitting numbers. And how long does the satisfaction from a "sale" last versus following your passion?
Clutter makes us nervous and stressed. It can derail us from our goals. Clarity will help you find your baseline and silence some of that unnecessary noise.
To gain clarity, here are five questions you can ask yourself:
1. What do you stand for?
2. What will you not do?
3. Why do you do what you do?
4. What are you prepared to do?
5. What will you stop doing?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
Clutter makes us nervous and stressed. It can derail us from our goals. Clarity will help you find your baseline and silence some of that unnecessary noise.
To gain clarity, here are five questions you can ask yourself:
1. What do you stand for?
2. What will you not do?
3. Why do you do what you do?
4. What are you prepared to do?
5. What will you stop doing?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
new book in 2016,
September 24, 2015
The Idea Begins…
It was 5th grade. I got my book report back from Mrs. Parrot. She gave me a B then wrote a long note on the back of the page below some of my doodling and writing. I don’t remember what it was about but I showed it to my parents and they were overjoyed. I thought they were happy I actually got a passing grade. I was the kid who got distracted by the squirrels and drifted off into my mind of imagination and worlds yet to be discovered. I was the kid who identified with Walter Mitty.
For most of my life, I’ve been called an extrovert but all the while I’ve needed my alone time to think and create and be quite and dream. I would facilitate a day long workshop and skip the dinner claiming I had emails to answer or another project to work on, but it was my time to unplug and get calm.
On the Air
I was a radio guy for more than two decades constantly surprised when a listener would remark on a new song I played or idea I shared. I was on the radio, after all, yet it was a solo experience in a studio talking into a microphone. I then got to build stuff and do more consulting and writing and teaching. I still felt it was a passion I followed alone. All the while, I have been speaking and writing about leadership, teamwork, culture, and our collective need to belong.
I was approached by a prominent publisher a few years ago and didn’t pursue it. There are beloved friends and colleagues who have encouraged me to pick it up again and give it a shot. I have finally shed the fear of it not turning out that well. And as I write this post – alone with my thoughts to then share with you – I realize it’s not about the success or failure of this idea, it’s the importance of doing it. My dad recently reminded me that not doing it would be a regret; a feeling he has often about the ideas he didn’t pursue in his life.
Keep Writing
Mrs. Parrot gave me an A+ on a short story I had written on the back of my 5th grade book report. She encouraged me to keep writing – I was 10! I had no idea at the time I’d become a writer, a coach, a consultant, a media guy, and all the while letting that kid who used to spend hours alone in his room reading books about far off lands to come along for the ride.
So yes, I have begun work on my first book. I don’t have a clue where this process will go or the result or the release date. I do know that sharing this with you will keep me on it and make it more real.
Thanks! I’ll keep you posted.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
For most of my life, I’ve been called an extrovert but all the while I’ve needed my alone time to think and create and be quite and dream. I would facilitate a day long workshop and skip the dinner claiming I had emails to answer or another project to work on, but it was my time to unplug and get calm.
On the Air
I was a radio guy for more than two decades constantly surprised when a listener would remark on a new song I played or idea I shared. I was on the radio, after all, yet it was a solo experience in a studio talking into a microphone. I then got to build stuff and do more consulting and writing and teaching. I still felt it was a passion I followed alone. All the while, I have been speaking and writing about leadership, teamwork, culture, and our collective need to belong.
I was approached by a prominent publisher a few years ago and didn’t pursue it. There are beloved friends and colleagues who have encouraged me to pick it up again and give it a shot. I have finally shed the fear of it not turning out that well. And as I write this post – alone with my thoughts to then share with you – I realize it’s not about the success or failure of this idea, it’s the importance of doing it. My dad recently reminded me that not doing it would be a regret; a feeling he has often about the ideas he didn’t pursue in his life.
Keep Writing
Mrs. Parrot gave me an A+ on a short story I had written on the back of my 5th grade book report. She encouraged me to keep writing – I was 10! I had no idea at the time I’d become a writer, a coach, a consultant, a media guy, and all the while letting that kid who used to spend hours alone in his room reading books about far off lands to come along for the ride.
So yes, I have begun work on my first book. I don’t have a clue where this process will go or the result or the release date. I do know that sharing this with you will keep me on it and make it more real.
Thanks! I’ll keep you posted.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
September 22, 2015
Keeping Healthy Relationships
The stats are grim; more than half of our relationships don’t work out. Is it because the reason we started them isn’t solid? Could it be because they don’t meet our expectations or we fail to meet those of others? Yes. Maybe. No. Who knows.
We change constantly over our lifetime. Our goals shift and our desires alter. My theory on relationships – at work or at home, with lovers and friends – is it requires two willing participants to keep it going and remain healthy. We all mess up but with kindness, openness, and trust, we can get through a lot together.
Silos and Departments
You can see it when team members disengage. It is at that intersection where the work is required to repair and save a relationship. Resentment and scorecards can damage companies and personal relationships faster than losing a big contract or letting a customer down.
It’s the work we do in our relationships that creates great stuff. When the proverbial chips are down is when we find out what we’re made of and how strong we are together. It’s easy to get along when the sun is shining. We grow most during stormy weather. It's been said a thousand ways but experiences make us better. And those experiences aren't always rosy and fun.
Being Right. Being Kind.
Humility is tough to hold on to when we’re upset or stressed. When we hurt those closest to us, it hurts us too. I’m no Pollyanna but we need to do all we can to repair our mistakes and save the connection with a wonderful person in our lives, or gather our teams to solve a business issue.
The release we may get from storming out of the room or throwing our phone over a silly argument will subside before we get to our car. Getting quiet and figuring out why a relationship is in our lives is the key to resolving most – if not all – of our conflicts.
Our most valuable resources are our time and each other.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
We change constantly over our lifetime. Our goals shift and our desires alter. My theory on relationships – at work or at home, with lovers and friends – is it requires two willing participants to keep it going and remain healthy. We all mess up but with kindness, openness, and trust, we can get through a lot together.
Silos and Departments
You can see it when team members disengage. It is at that intersection where the work is required to repair and save a relationship. Resentment and scorecards can damage companies and personal relationships faster than losing a big contract or letting a customer down.
It’s the work we do in our relationships that creates great stuff. When the proverbial chips are down is when we find out what we’re made of and how strong we are together. It’s easy to get along when the sun is shining. We grow most during stormy weather. It's been said a thousand ways but experiences make us better. And those experiences aren't always rosy and fun.
Being Right. Being Kind.
Humility is tough to hold on to when we’re upset or stressed. When we hurt those closest to us, it hurts us too. I’m no Pollyanna but we need to do all we can to repair our mistakes and save the connection with a wonderful person in our lives, or gather our teams to solve a business issue.
The release we may get from storming out of the room or throwing our phone over a silly argument will subside before we get to our car. Getting quiet and figuring out why a relationship is in our lives is the key to resolving most – if not all – of our conflicts.
Our most valuable resources are our time and each other.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
September 18, 2015
Aim Less Shoot More
Over the past few months, I’ve been reflecting on the conscious and subconscious mind with regards to reaching goals. Your subconscious doesn’t give a rat’s tail what you say you want to do, it only cares what you actually do.
I have written hundreds of pieces on leadership, culture, teamwork, collaboration, communication, and strategy. It's easy to write about goals; it's kind of important to actually accomplish them!
So here are ten of them to keep me honest. Perhaps it’ll inspire you to write your ten. Then let’s get to work and stop talking about talking about it. As the late Jim Rohn said; If you want something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.
• Spend more time outside
• Eat more veggies and less carbs – daily
• Write and publish my first book
• Listen more talk less
• Stop stopping myself from executing ideas
• Read more
• Do more charity work
• Finish creation of interactive leadership program
• Travel to Europe
• Spend less time on my laptop and my phone
Let’s go!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
I have written hundreds of pieces on leadership, culture, teamwork, collaboration, communication, and strategy. It's easy to write about goals; it's kind of important to actually accomplish them!
So here are ten of them to keep me honest. Perhaps it’ll inspire you to write your ten. Then let’s get to work and stop talking about talking about it. As the late Jim Rohn said; If you want something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.
• Spend more time outside
• Eat more veggies and less carbs – daily
• Write and publish my first book
• Listen more talk less
• Stop stopping myself from executing ideas
• Read more
• Do more charity work
• Finish creation of interactive leadership program
• Travel to Europe
• Spend less time on my laptop and my phone
Let’s go!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
written by
Kneale Mann
Jim Rohn,
Kneale Mann,
September 14, 2015
Seeing Each Other
I've been looking closely at relationships lately. I've always found human behavior a fascinating topic but it seems to be something that has seeped into all aspects of my life in the last year or so.
How we communicate. How we look at the past. How we heal and grow and move forward. How we interact with each other. How we let others into our lives - in a deeply honest and open human way. How we create a healthy relationship with ourselves.
Dr. Starla Fitch has a look at relationships and how we see others.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
How we communicate. How we look at the past. How we heal and grow and move forward. How we interact with each other. How we let others into our lives - in a deeply honest and open human way. How we create a healthy relationship with ourselves.
Dr. Starla Fitch has a look at relationships and how we see others.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
Starla Fitch,
September 10, 2015
The Four P's of Teamwork
This has come up a few times in conversations lately so I thought it was time to re-post here. Anyone in marketing can recite the four P's which are product, price, placement and promotion. But how do the four P's apply to company culture and leadership?
Have you ever been to a sporting event or seen a live play or concert? Have you watched a great movie? Do you have any experience meeting someone else who is successful in business? Do you find motivation from people who show talent and prowess in a particular discipline? In each case, someone spent years honing their skills to make it appear effortless. Yet we are quick to criticize from the comfort of our 20oz beer mug in the 300 level. Now think about your skill set and what you can bring to any situation. Did you learn and execute all you know immediately?
If you enjoy writing, reading a good book may give you more determination to work on your own novel. You may know someone who went back to school and emerged with a whole new career path. Seeing others succeed may give you reason to study their process to improve your business.
It requires working nights and weekends, writing ideas on scraps of paper you later find in the laundry, networking well, reading incessantly while life blends with work. No successful person in history has gotten it right the first time. And no one does it alone.
There are many ways to be successful. What's important is to be organized and have a strategic plan. It is equally essential not to settle for good enough - that's what the other guys do. It's critical not to rest on the past or think we have all the answers, that's where danger resides. And it's okay to get a little messy once in a while, take some chances. And like the rest of us, you will make a lot of mistakes because that's where experience grows.
And let’s add one more – Purpose.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
Have you ever been to a sporting event or seen a live play or concert? Have you watched a great movie? Do you have any experience meeting someone else who is successful in business? Do you find motivation from people who show talent and prowess in a particular discipline? In each case, someone spent years honing their skills to make it appear effortless. Yet we are quick to criticize from the comfort of our 20oz beer mug in the 300 level. Now think about your skill set and what you can bring to any situation. Did you learn and execute all you know immediately?
If you enjoy writing, reading a good book may give you more determination to work on your own novel. You may know someone who went back to school and emerged with a whole new career path. Seeing others succeed may give you reason to study their process to improve your business.
It requires working nights and weekends, writing ideas on scraps of paper you later find in the laundry, networking well, reading incessantly while life blends with work. No successful person in history has gotten it right the first time. And no one does it alone.
There are many ways to be successful. What's important is to be organized and have a strategic plan. It is equally essential not to settle for good enough - that's what the other guys do. It's critical not to rest on the past or think we have all the answers, that's where danger resides. And it's okay to get a little messy once in a while, take some chances. And like the rest of us, you will make a lot of mistakes because that's where experience grows.
And let’s add one more – Purpose.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
September 7, 2015
Relationships Take Work not Labor
It’s Labor Day in North America, the day when most people take the day to breathe before the busy fall hits and kids go back to school and the stuff we pushed away all summer become realities again.
As we reflect on the summer that has almost passed and the upcoming fall, let’s reflect on the most important element of our lives – our relationships with each other. Money comes and goes. Jobs and homes change. But nothing can replace the important people in our lives in love, home, family, and work.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
As we reflect on the summer that has almost passed and the upcoming fall, let’s reflect on the most important element of our lives – our relationships with each other. Money comes and goes. Jobs and homes change. But nothing can replace the important people in our lives in love, home, family, and work.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
September 3, 2015
Remembering Dr. Wayne Dyer
Dr. Wayne Dyer was a teacher, author, speaker, and motivator who was influenced by many of the masters - all the way back to the Buddha - passed away this week at the age of 75. He helped millions with personal and professional growth.
Thanks Dr. Dyer!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
Thanks Dr. Dyer!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
Wayne Dyer
September 1, 2015
A Dozen Ideas
• How is the health of our overall operation?
• Do you spend more than half of your time helping your team?
• Are you clear on what your company won't do no matter what?
• Can you be honest with yourself about your organization?
• Do you have strong financial leadership?
• Is your business plan clear, concise and executable?
• Can you clearly articulate how your team will successful compete their work?
• Have you removed all unnecessary meetings from everyone's calendar?
• How do you measure success other than revenue?
• Are you aware of all opportunities and the realistic outcomes of each?
• Do you have a strong sense of your people?
• Is each member of your team working more than 80% of their time on strengths?
How many are on your priority list?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
• Do you spend more than half of your time helping your team?
• Are you clear on what your company won't do no matter what?
• Can you be honest with yourself about your organization?
• Do you have strong financial leadership?
• Is your business plan clear, concise and executable?
• Can you clearly articulate how your team will successful compete their work?
• Have you removed all unnecessary meetings from everyone's calendar?
• How do you measure success other than revenue?
• Are you aware of all opportunities and the realistic outcomes of each?
• Do you have a strong sense of your people?
• Is each member of your team working more than 80% of their time on strengths?
How many are on your priority list?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
August 30, 2015
Lead in Plain Language
If you have ever spent time with a group of people from the same industry that you’re not a part of, you know how narrow we can all be at times. There are acronyms and terms you have no clue how to decipher. It’s almost as if they are speaking another language, their own language.
I was in a client meeting last week and we had to stop and realize we had become so insular we had lost the plot. One of the team members stood up and said; “Can we just speak English, please!” and it broke the ice.
We do it in our everyday lives and relationships.
We think we’re being clear but we have to understand that our thoughts may not align with others’ understanding. When we take the time to step back, breathe, and gain more insight into how others are perceiving us, we stand a better chance of understanding each other.
Technical speak and industry specifics are often needed but sometimes just boiling things down to the most basic level is the best way to avoid misinterpretation. If we take a moment and suspend our beliefs to check for understanding, conflict can be avoided and teamwork can be improved.
When in doubt, make it simple.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
I was in a client meeting last week and we had to stop and realize we had become so insular we had lost the plot. One of the team members stood up and said; “Can we just speak English, please!” and it broke the ice.
We do it in our everyday lives and relationships.
We think we’re being clear but we have to understand that our thoughts may not align with others’ understanding. When we take the time to step back, breathe, and gain more insight into how others are perceiving us, we stand a better chance of understanding each other.
Technical speak and industry specifics are often needed but sometimes just boiling things down to the most basic level is the best way to avoid misinterpretation. If we take a moment and suspend our beliefs to check for understanding, conflict can be avoided and teamwork can be improved.
When in doubt, make it simple.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
August 27, 2015
Use Your Imagination
Money and time have been the hurdles to pushing through that big idea you've had for far too long. Imagine for a moment both evaporate and you are free to act.
Every time you want to say "not", imagine for a moment you change it to "why not".
The dream was long given up on because there was no way you would be able to pull it off. People like you don't follow their dreams, you're responsible and practical. That stuff happens to other people. Imagine for a moment the story you've been telling yourself for years simply because it was easier than trying. And you take the first step.
You take one item from your wish list and put it on your action list. Imagine for a moment you take one item on your action list and get it done.
Food for thought.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
Every time you want to say "not", imagine for a moment you change it to "why not".
The dream was long given up on because there was no way you would be able to pull it off. People like you don't follow their dreams, you're responsible and practical. That stuff happens to other people. Imagine for a moment the story you've been telling yourself for years simply because it was easier than trying. And you take the first step.
You take one item from your wish list and put it on your action list. Imagine for a moment you take one item on your action list and get it done.
Food for thought.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
August 20, 2015
Are You Happy?
I’ve mentioned it a few times here that I’ve gone through a lot in the last 18 months but when I step back it gives me perspective that what I’ve experienced is child’s play compared to what others have endured. I have a close friend who often says; don’t compare, but our personal experience is often our most vivid perspective.
We fear losing our income; we stay in stagnant relationships because of money; we settle for good enough, and there's so much more we could do with our lives that isn't attached to wealth or stature.
Who are these people?
What is it about a small close-knit group of people living into their 10th decade on a small Island in Japan or a man who rides his bicycle into town to make a few dollars a day running a rickshaw to return to the tent city where his son greets him with a big smile and gives him joy?
American film maker Roko Belic set out to find what makes humans happy and the result was his 2011 Academy Award nominated documentary entitled Happy. I finally watched it as it’s now available on Netflix.
It's fantastic!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
We fear losing our income; we stay in stagnant relationships because of money; we settle for good enough, and there's so much more we could do with our lives that isn't attached to wealth or stature.
Who are these people?
What is it about a small close-knit group of people living into their 10th decade on a small Island in Japan or a man who rides his bicycle into town to make a few dollars a day running a rickshaw to return to the tent city where his son greets him with a big smile and gives him joy?
American film maker Roko Belic set out to find what makes humans happy and the result was his 2011 Academy Award nominated documentary entitled Happy. I finally watched it as it’s now available on Netflix.
It's fantastic!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
Roko Belic,
August 17, 2015
Our Shared Economy
Life isn't simple. Relationships aren't either. In our lifetime, we will fall in love, have several careers, meet many great people, break some hearts, have our heart broken, make money, lose money, make more money, deal with conflict, overcome challenges, and hopefully find some joy along the way.
In his 2009 TEDTalk, Economist Alex Tabarrok sums up our world in the last hundred or so years. It's an interesting perspective.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
TED | Alex Tabarrok
In his 2009 TEDTalk, Economist Alex Tabarrok sums up our world in the last hundred or so years. It's an interesting perspective.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
TED | Alex Tabarrok
written by
Kneale Mann
Alex Tabarrok,
Kneale Mann,
August 13, 2015
Step Inside Your Company
This week, I visited a new client’s business and got to meet the entire team. My contact took me around the building introducing me. I was met with warmth and firm handshakes. After two months of getting to know this organization, and more importantly the people inside it, I felt they knew I was there to help.
I’m often struck by the people inside an organization. Each has a story, each has passion and goals, and until we spend time getting to know them, we really don’t know much about what makes a company tick. Sure, great teamwork creates bigger profits and a collaborative culture garners more success but there is much more under the surface before we get there.
Beyond the Bottom Line
This is bigger than grasping that each person’s success may be measured differently. The sales department needs to drive revenue, operations needs to ensure the whole process is efficient, senior management must confirm they are keeping the team and partners happy, while the product or creative team is measured by generating and executing great ideas.
When we meet someone for the first time, it is imperative we understand that trust and openness take time. It’s critical we remember these are people, not drones or machines. We don’t want to be put into a constrained box so it won’t work if we do that to our team members.
Underneath the Job Titles
But with respect and an open mind, teams can create magic if they step inside and appreciate the people behind the work. I met some people who had worked at this company for 2-3 decades and their genuine passion was evident. People often ask me what is my ideal client and it’s this team because they are doing well, enjoying their work, but have a passion to make it even better.
Take a moment and look at your team, department, or company. Shelve the work for a moment and step inside the people involved. You may just get a revelation that has been sitting right in front of you all along.
Grab a coffee and get to know each other.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
I’m often struck by the people inside an organization. Each has a story, each has passion and goals, and until we spend time getting to know them, we really don’t know much about what makes a company tick. Sure, great teamwork creates bigger profits and a collaborative culture garners more success but there is much more under the surface before we get there.
Beyond the Bottom Line
This is bigger than grasping that each person’s success may be measured differently. The sales department needs to drive revenue, operations needs to ensure the whole process is efficient, senior management must confirm they are keeping the team and partners happy, while the product or creative team is measured by generating and executing great ideas.
When we meet someone for the first time, it is imperative we understand that trust and openness take time. It’s critical we remember these are people, not drones or machines. We don’t want to be put into a constrained box so it won’t work if we do that to our team members.
Underneath the Job Titles
But with respect and an open mind, teams can create magic if they step inside and appreciate the people behind the work. I met some people who had worked at this company for 2-3 decades and their genuine passion was evident. People often ask me what is my ideal client and it’s this team because they are doing well, enjoying their work, but have a passion to make it even better.
Take a moment and look at your team, department, or company. Shelve the work for a moment and step inside the people involved. You may just get a revelation that has been sitting right in front of you all along.
Grab a coffee and get to know each other.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
August 10, 2015
Where Do We Start?
I was on three calls last week with company leaders who asked the same question. All three are running successful businesses but realize changes and refinements are necessary but admit they’re too close to see the forest or the trees. My years of self-employment and as a corporate leader help me during these chats because I know exactly what they’re experiencing. I have been there. You don’t know what to do next or how you will move forward on a project or prospect.
Whether it’s a job, running a company, or a personal relationship, we do get too close to our own stuff. There comes a time in every situation when we have to step back a bit and gain some perspective. My friend and colleague Mitch Joel says he takes offense when people say; “Don’t take it personally, it’s business” as he takes his business very personally. He runs a successful agency that employs a lot of people who have to feed their families and support themselves. I agree with him.
Step Back Before Stepping Forward
I’m lucky to have some great close friends and we share deeply personal stuff, fears, hopes, plans, and concerns. The conservations aren’t always neat and tidy and figured out. And that’s a good thing. We all need safe places to share our fears and work it out with someone who can see things from a few steps back.
I am a big fan of think days. Give your team a day a month where they work but they don’t come into the office. This isn’t a “working from home” day; it’s a day to think and plan and breathe and gain a bit of perspective. We need to do that in our relationships as well. Perhaps the question isn't where do we start but something more critical.
When do we breathe?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
Whether it’s a job, running a company, or a personal relationship, we do get too close to our own stuff. There comes a time in every situation when we have to step back a bit and gain some perspective. My friend and colleague Mitch Joel says he takes offense when people say; “Don’t take it personally, it’s business” as he takes his business very personally. He runs a successful agency that employs a lot of people who have to feed their families and support themselves. I agree with him.
Step Back Before Stepping Forward
I’m lucky to have some great close friends and we share deeply personal stuff, fears, hopes, plans, and concerns. The conservations aren’t always neat and tidy and figured out. And that’s a good thing. We all need safe places to share our fears and work it out with someone who can see things from a few steps back.
I am a big fan of think days. Give your team a day a month where they work but they don’t come into the office. This isn’t a “working from home” day; it’s a day to think and plan and breathe and gain a bit of perspective. We need to do that in our relationships as well. Perhaps the question isn't where do we start but something more critical.
When do we breathe?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
written by
Kneale Mann
Kneale Mann,
August 4, 2015
Adopting the Cluetrain Mindset
"We are not seats or eyeballs or end users or consumers. We are human beings and our reach exceeds your grasp. Deal with it."
Cluetrain Manifesto (1999)
I’ve never endorsed or sold anything on this site but I felt compelled to share a story with you about my phone. I’ve been a BlackBerry customer since they made pagers. The culture at the company hasn't been great for years but I like the phones. I’ve been a (reasonably) satisfied customer. So far.
I live half an hour from their world headquarters. I know people who work there. I also know many who no longer work there. I realize gadgets break down but this is about much more than technical issues I had with my Z10.
Time to Switch
In my case, calls would often go straight to voicemail, the ear bud connection was temperamental, others would often say they couldn't hear me properly. I would contact my service provider and they would blame BlackBerry.
It’s disheartening when you go onto the BlackBerry site and the only people trying to solve issues are other BlackBerry owners. The company was no help and lost another customer. That’s how arrogance loses market share.
We know better
This isn't about mobile devices; it's a contrast of one company understanding that customers want choice and a good experience while the other felt they built the superior device years ago and all others should fall behind them.
The moment you think your company owns the hill, listen carefully for the sound of marching feet on the way to push you into the abyss. Being a market leader is not only about profits, it’s about appreciating what customers want.
After the cash register
Building great stuff is a minimum requirement. Building superior stuff will create loyal customers. Ignoring how you got there will give customers the choice to open their wallets to a competitor. I'm enjoying my new iPhone 6. It's pretty cool.
Celebrate the fact your users, listeners, viewers, buyers, customers, or clients have the choice and ensure you are there to provide them what they need. This is not to suggest you bend until you break but their reach exceeds your grasp.
Deal with it.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
Cluetrain Manifesto (1999)
I’ve never endorsed or sold anything on this site but I felt compelled to share a story with you about my phone. I’ve been a BlackBerry customer since they made pagers. The culture at the company hasn't been great for years but I like the phones. I’ve been a (reasonably) satisfied customer. So far.
I live half an hour from their world headquarters. I know people who work there. I also know many who no longer work there. I realize gadgets break down but this is about much more than technical issues I had with my Z10.
Time to Switch
In my case, calls would often go straight to voicemail, the ear bud connection was temperamental, others would often say they couldn't hear me properly. I would contact my service provider and they would blame BlackBerry.
It’s disheartening when you go onto the BlackBerry site and the only people trying to solve issues are other BlackBerry owners. The company was no help and lost another customer. That’s how arrogance loses market share.
We know better
This isn't about mobile devices; it's a contrast of one company understanding that customers want choice and a good experience while the other felt they built the superior device years ago and all others should fall behind them.
The moment you think your company owns the hill, listen carefully for the sound of marching feet on the way to push you into the abyss. Being a market leader is not only about profits, it’s about appreciating what customers want.
After the cash register
Building great stuff is a minimum requirement. Building superior stuff will create loyal customers. Ignoring how you got there will give customers the choice to open their wallets to a competitor. I'm enjoying my new iPhone 6. It's pretty cool.
Celebrate the fact your users, listeners, viewers, buyers, customers, or clients have the choice and ensure you are there to provide them what they need. This is not to suggest you bend until you break but their reach exceeds your grasp.
Deal with it.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
written by
Kneale Mann
cluetrain manifesto,
Kneale Mann,