May 28, 2013

Fearless Culture

There are plenty of data to show we admire people who take chances as well as create and share new ideas.  The things we can accomplish are astounding but are we admiring more than doing? It takes effort to have an idea, it takes guts to act on it. But what if you let everyone take more chances, act on ideas, and embrace a more creative culture within your organization?

We often hear of companies that tout their forward thinking attitude and openness. But I suppose the cynicism creeps in when those promises are broken or don’t come to fruition in the purest of ways. Life gets busy and we pacify our need for engaging interactions by telling ourselves that only happens elsewhere.

Connecting the Human Dots

Work and business can often get in the way of great ideas, collaborative culture, and true leadership. The creation of meaningful experiences is often replaced by fear and inaction. Cutting the budget seems easier than taking more chances. The intersection of people and business require relationships and the key ingredient is desire.

Sir John Hegarty is one of the principles at the UK based agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty and in this short piece succinctly sums up the importance of culture and creativity.

Watch this, then watch it with your team.

Kneale Mann | Leadership and Culture strategist, writer, speaker, executive coach engaging leaders, collaborative teams, and strong business results.

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