November 5, 2012

Virtual Teaming

There are exceptions of course, but in many cases technology affords us the opportunity to work from anywhere. Millions can accomplish their work without ever going into a formal office. If I’m not on the road or with clients, I do much of my work from a home office. The remote environment isn't for everyone and it can be especially distracting if you let too much work blend into life.

It takes discipline to work when you have work and walk away when you can. But for more and more companies, virtual teams are on the rise. As social networks continue to grow and more than half of the online users on earth are connected through a profile, we're getting more and more used to connecting with others electronically. That is growing in the workplace too.

Who’s on the Line?

I was on a conference call recently with client leaders and almost half were calling from a location other than their formal office. The tools which allow this to happen can benefit companies, make people more efficient, and often save money.

Many leaders need to open their minds to the possibility that some (if not all) of their team may not report to a company desk at 8:30 every morning. I know many who haven’t been in the office in months. This is where strong communication and presentation skills become even more important. You are sharing ideas remotely which can be a challenge but conversely think of the amount of time you waste sitting in meetings that fail to result in solutions.

Try It You May Like It

This is not to suggest it works for everyone or immediately or all the time. There are growing pains as with every new initiative but if there was a way to increase productivity and improve revenue, you would investigate it so this falls into that category.

We can't forget the human work so open your mind, start slow, ask your team, try it out, and see how virtual teaming could open up possibilities.

If you need a hand, I’d be happy to help out.

Kneale Mann

© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital