There are three simple rules. Is the information valuable to my work or life? Is the author doing actual work to back it up? Do they challenge me, make me think, and/or make me move to do something? Share those who inspire you.
Matt Ridings is the co-founder of SideraWorks with partner Amber Naslund and sent along some people we should know.
Saul Kaplan
As Chief Catalyst of the Business Innovation Factory, Saul created his non-profit organization to explore and test new business models and system level solutions in areas of high social importance including health care, education, entrepreneurship, and energy independence.
Saul is immersed in the social web through his blog, regular contribution to the Harvard Business Review and Bloomberg Business Week, and author of The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant when the World Is Changing.
Jason Fried
37 Signals started as a web design company that has become one of the leaders in the collaborative space. Jason and his co-founders Carlos Segura, and Ernest Kim have created products such as Campfire, Backpack, Highrise, and Basecamp. This is a cool company that continues to be connected to users and customers for the purpose of providing great service, asking for feedback, and advancing their solutions.
Jason is also the co-author of Rework with David Heinemeier Hansson which outlines why business plans are actually harmful, why you don't need outside investors, and why you're better off ignoring the competition.
John Hagel
Author, consultant, and infomediary (a word invented in his book NetWorth), John founded the Deloitte Center for the Edge Innovation, the International Academy of Management, and the Aspen Institute. He is also involved with the World Economic Forum, and Innovation Exchange. Other than that, he's not doing much. Ha!
Reading more about Jason, John, and Saul is a good kick in the butt. Let’s follow our dreams, collaborate with smart people, and stop wasting time on excuses.
Thanks Matt!
Kneale Mann