July 3, 2012

Are You Inspired?

Malcolm Gladwell calls them Outliers, others call them lucky breaks, and some refer to them as fateful events but to break the tie, let’s simply call them accelerators. These are the events, people, opportunities, mentors, and moments that create more horsepower. It's what we do with these opportunities that matters most.

Leadership comes from within as well as from external sources. He inspires us because others have helped him move faster, live more, work harder, and conquer adversity. She surrounds herself with inspiring people who push her so she can be strong to do the same for others.


Meet Arthur Boorman through the lens of Steve Yu and Ken Young. If you haven’t seen this, take a few moments and do so. If it inspires you to move, you can also help them finish the film. And then do something you've always wanted to try.

But be careful, you might actually succeed.

Kneale Mann

Inspired: The Movie
© Kneale Mann knealemann@gmail.com people + priority = profit
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leadership development business culture talent development human capital