April 15, 2012

Creativity and Making a Difference

There is a theory that states we do things for one of three reasons: to make a living, to make a name for ourselves, and to make a difference. It is possible to do all three. We can all make a difference in our lives and the lives of others far beyond the grand gestures we measure on the world stage.

Success is a strange beast. We strive for it yet we fear it won’t return. When things don’t seem to go our way, we feel success may be unattainable yet when we experience it, we worry it won’t replicate.

Elizabeth Gilbert is a gifted writer who gained worldwide notoriety after toiling with her passion for two decades. Three years ago, she reflected on the success of her book "Eat Pray Love" during her TEDTalk and how she felt about whether it would return. Her perspective may surprise you.

Kneale Mann

TED | Elizabeth Glbert
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