So with that in mind, I thought I’d share inspirational posts written by three people I have met in three different ways. The next time you feel suspicious about the social web, sit a while and strike up a conversation. I guarantee you won't regret it.
Drew McLellan | Run Your Race
I first heard about Drew three years ago through a colleague who suggested I read his blog because she thought I’d connect with a lot of what he was writing about and she was bang on. It was an instant addition and remains a daily stop. Drew and I finally met at SobCon2010 and ended up having a wonderful conversation with the promise to stay in touch and we have done that.
Drew runs his own marketing firm in Des Moines, Iowa, is one of the most respected marketing minds on the planet and recently wrote a piece that touches us all. Sweet man, gifted writer and savvy business guy who cares about helping his clients and loves his daughter very much.
Bret L Simmons | Intimate Leadership
My first contact with Bret was through some astute comments he made here. He is a bright, insightful guy who just happens to also be a university professor in Reno, Nevada teaching an MBA course in Marketing and Leadership.
Bret and I had a delightful phone conversation a couple of months ago and have kept in touch. Bret is a solid guy, wicked smart and a great writer.
Erika Napoletano | All That We Love
I didn’t know this fiery essence of emotion and brilliance from Denver, Colorado until I saw her in action, also at SobCon2010. She had questions for presenters, good questions, insightful questions, brave questions, yeah I wish I had thought of that questions. I was hooked. I got home and started reading. A few weeks later we connected on the phone and she has more energy in her earlobe than I have in my entire body. (Inside joke to those who know me - she makes me look asleep)
Erika swears on her blog, doesn't stand on ceremony and she speaks her mind. Oh and she kicks it hard and her clients love her. We all wish we had a bit more of her fortitude. And she’d be the first to crack us in the side of the head and tell us to stop whining and get on with it.
Enjoy them. Then go inspire someone.
Kneale Mann
image credit: freeextras