My business card may say strategy but my fascination lies in anthropology and psychology.
You can't help your bottom line until you understand what drives you.
There is a crushing amount of information about social media and how it applies to you and your business and your life and your family and the pictures of the kids from college and posting the appropriate resume and how you should navigate online.
Most of us need to eat more veggies and do more exercise.
But with digital channels there is no one answer, site, background theme, writing style, logo color or font choice. Pick one, experiment, pick another one, experiment, throw stuff against the wall, collaborate and have some fun.
I hear the objections all the time. "We have a Facebook page. We're on Twitter. I don't understand it. It's a waste of time. How will that help us make more money? When will we see results?"
The only guarantee anyone can make is if we live in doubt and inaction, nothing will happen. And that spans beyond digital and business.
Make the leap, the water's fine.
strategy. marketing. media.
image credit: digitalentrep