I was born in this wonderful country and proud to call it my home.
Through the worst economic crisis in eight decades, many have looked to countries like Canada for ideas of turning things around.
With stringent regulations, our banking, financial and real estate industries are among the most secure on earth.
Nous ne Parlent pas tous Français.
The Human Development Index ranks Canada 4th of every country in the world behind Norway, Australia and Iceland.
Our second official language is French but most of us don’t speak it. Most French speaking Canadians live in areas such as New Brunswick and Quebec though the majority of government jobs require you to be bilingual.
Canada is the most multicultural country on the planet. I lived in Toronto for twenty years where over 150 registered languages are represented. Which means fabulous restaurants and culture to sample for all!
Some other Canada fun facts...
• Canada’s name comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, kanata, which means village or settlement.
• A sofa is a couch.
• This country has the longest coastline in the world, about 243,000 kilometers
or about 150,000 miles in length.
• We have butter tarts, clamato juice and ketchup chips.
• It has the fourth lowest population density index in the world with around 34 million people in the second largest country in the world by land mass. About 9.9 million square kilometers or 3.8 million square miles.
• Silverware is cutlery.
• Canada is in the top five producing countries of
gold, copper, zinc, nickel, aluminum, and natural gas.
• Soda is referred to as pop.
• Basketball was invented by James Naismith who is a Canadian
• When someone says thank-you, we do not reply uh huh, cheers or no worries; we simply say you're welcome.
Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks!
Helping you integrate all you do with all you do.