We can send complicated documents to the other side of the earth with a press of a thumb and pizza places still deliver.
There's An App For That.
Line ups were seen all over the U.S. (soon to be repeated in Canada) filled with excited Mac users waiting to purchase an iPad minutes after the store opened.
Online discussion forums got heated over whether the BlackBerry 9700 was superior to the 9000 while Android was also gaining new fans.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
Carl Sagan
There may be a nominal charge in addition to the carry-on fee, the shoe removal surtax and the baggage handling service charge but on some flights we can now get Internet access. Tax not included.
One day, cars will be equipped with voice activated Internet browsers and drop down top gun instrumentation technology. Laptops will be a gift with purchase while plasma screens and Wi-Fi will be in every bathroom.
We are becoming the servants in thought, as in action, of the machine we have created to serve us. John Kenneth Galbraith
I have friends who reside in the hi-tech world and do fantastic work. They develop things that go on things that make other things go faster or look cooler.
But without the human, doesn't the car just sit in the driveway?
How can you help create content worthy of uploading, downloading or buying to put on all this stuff? Maybe something to think about while in line to get the latest coolest newest?
strategy. marketing. social media.
photo credit: wired