Proximity is a strange thing.
Sometimes you feel close to people, then you move apart. Life and lame excuses get in the way.
As we navigate all the new gadgets and social circles, argue over usb connectors and web browsers, stand on the PC or Apple side of the room, it all make sense. Without us, this is irrelevant. Without people, your business or circle of influence is vapor.
Your customers are not revenue, they are people. Your business is not built with bricks and mortar and desks and chairs, it is built by people.
The next time you get caught up in all the stuff we talk about here and many other places, think of the people you work with or work for you. They are not numbers, they are not cogs in the wheel; they are people.
Gadgets and doohickeys are fun - I love my new smartphone - but without the people, who really cares? Technology has given us instant proximity if we want it - to other people!
If we paid closer attention to people, wouldn't that improve the bottom line?
strategy. marketing. social media.
photo credit: skydiveorange