Elizabeth Gilbert | Ease

He is not curing disease or changing the trajectory of war, he makes us think and create.
Seth relates to the world of business, marketing and life in an inclusive and engaging way.
Be compassionate to everyone no matter the level of connection.
Mitch Joel | Compassion
Seth has brought together sixty people who have shared a piece of them for us to take with us and think, grow and learn.
And because life is always full of doubt and fears,
to act is to take that leap. So leap.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Leap
This is not just another book of inspiration. This is not simply a group of brilliant thinkers and doers who have shared one page of wisdom each to make up a collection of ideas for our lives.
This is certainly not some expensive buy-in download email laden purchase this program to help line the pockets of its creators.
It was created for us to download, read, share and repeat.
Everyone has their own Mount Everest
they were put on this earth to climb.
Hugh MacLeod | Meaning
This book is FREE. It’s FANTASTIC!
This is something you need to read TODAY and OFTEN.
Never forget, a small group of people can change the world.
Micah Sifry | Nobody
Topics include: evangelism, context, technology, knowledge, change, generosity, sleep, fascination, empathy, power, change, adventure and forty-eight more.
Notice what excites you and scares you
on a small moment-to-moment basis.
Derek Sivers | Passion
Sixty wonderful people have donated their time to create this 82-page free downloadable and sharable e-book. Times are tight, the Holidays are coming up, what a perfect gift to send to everyone.
The One Percenters are often hidden in the crevices of niches,
yet they are the roots of word of mouth.
Jackie Huba | 1%
What Matters Now | Free Download Here
marketing and social media strategy
image credit: seth godin