I don’t care if I don’t agree with everything you say.
I’m glad we’re engaged in a meaningful conversation.
I don't care about your opinion on my choice in music.
That's why it's my choice.
I don’t care what you did last year, ten years ago or last week.
Bring forward the good stuff and incinerate the rest.
I don't care who doesn't like me.
There are 6.7 billion of us, we can all find someone.
I don't care who knows I love pumpkin pie.
But I will share if you want a slice.
I don't care if you have self-doubt, no money,
lost your gig or think you are stuck.
Let's get over ourselves and get unstuck together.
I don’t care that I am entering the busiest time of my career.
I know what hard work looks like.
I’m looking forward to helping as many people as I can.
I don’t care about your family situation, marriage, demons or shortcomings.
I do care about your passions, ideas and how they are burning a hole through your cranium on the way to sharing them with others so we can help you make them a reality.
What don’t you care about?
Helping you create your best business
marketing and social media strategy.
image credit: api.ning.com