Nearly 30 years ago, Rourke was Hollywood’s golden boy. He blew everyone away in such films as 9½ Weeks, Diner, Rumble Fish and Barfly. But the bridge burning and arrogant antics caught up with him. He had done a masterful job of sabotaging his career.
He did a few bit parts here and there for almost a decade, but he was done.
Then Rourke’s name was being uttered again with a new film entitled The Wrestler. Mickey began to talk straight about how sorry he was for all his crap over the years.
Last night he beat out Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Frank Langella and Sean Penn. This was not a matter of some aging actor getting the mercy nod. Rourke won this fair and square. Bravo!
Adversity makes us tough, gives us experience, and despite how it may feel at the time gives us invaluable lessons.
I’m still smiling for Mickey.