Some experts say that China has a chance to win somewhere around 46 medals from their 700+ athletes. If that number is met, each medal will have cost the Chinese government $6 Million. It’s a powerhouse, after all. It’s a small price to pay.
The 50th anniversary of the launch of NASA was on July 29th. In forty-four days, the Americans launched their first rocket. They built a powerhouse.
Conspiracy theories aside (that’s a year worth of blogs) it is a testament of determination. Now imagine how much a group of people can accomplish in any venture.
It reminds me of the cynics' lament about how our goverment is here to help us.
We’ve all been in situations where whether through a client-company relationship or through a corporate mandate, we’ve helped others. And the myriad personal situations we are in find us helping and being helped all the time. We need help, we offer help, we help each other – that’s how this life thing all works best.
In the next seven days, help someone without their knowledge and without wanting anything in return. Build your powerhouse by simply helping someone. Go Canada!